There are many reasons why people emigrate to another country. Some are transferred abroad by their employer, others follow their partner, and some are simply looking for a job that brings them more money.
Are you looking for opportunities to work abroad? To help you find out what these places are, we’ve created this list. Introducing the top 10 countries with the highest salaries in the world. You will find out in which country you can find a decent income and where it is worth staying to live.
10. Iceland, $ 2700

Iceland ranks tenth in the list of countries with the highest wages. It is one of the countries with the highest income equality and also the country with the lowest risk of poverty in Europe.
Iceland is one of the largest energy producers in the world (per capita). The point is that the previous economic policy based on the fish market has been rather successfully replaced by the recent diversification in the software, financial and manufacturing sectors.
In addition, this country has one of the highest indicators of the level of medical services and other social guarantees. Also Iceland has a very low crime rate.
9. the US $ 2800

In ninth place in this ranking is the United States , which is one of the largest economies in the world. This country has a large amount of natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, many industries, and is also the cradle of the largest technology companies. However, in this vast country, salaries can vary greatly depending on where you work.
Despite a developed economy and vast geopolitics, the United States, with its administrative structure, has states in which the level of poverty, unemployment and crime is approaching alarming levels. But overall, this is one of the countries with the highest average wages in the world.
8. Denmark, 3000 $

This Scandinavian country ranks eighth in the ranking of states, with the highest average salary. Denmark is a country with one of the most comfortable living standards in the world.
The stable economy of this country stems from foreign trade, agriculture and natural resources.
There is also a developed system for protecting the rights of hired workers, so Denmark has a very comfortable labor market for both employers and labor emigrants.
In addition to objectively high salaries (even in comparison with the average European indicator), it is worth noting the high standard of living of the Danes, which is also available to people who came to work in this country under an employment contract.
First of all, this concerns the enviable economic stability, comfortable social environment, low crime rate, observance of basic human rights, as well as the great attention of the authorities and the population to the protection of the environment.
7. Singapore, $ 3100

Wages in Singapore , the land of the accomplished economic miracle, are extremely high. The vast majority of economic expats in Singapore claim to earn more than at home, with 25 percent of them even claiming that their family’s current income exceeds $ 100,000 a year.
The bad news is that life in Singapore is so expensive – especially rentals – that high salaries are needed to cover basic expenses.
6. Norway, $ 3100

Norway is also among the countries with the highest average wages in the world. The economy of this country is largely dependent on natural resources, which include oil production as well as hydropower.
Oil-rich Norway attracts well-trained ex-pats. 33 percent even claim to earn much more than at home. In addition, the work-life balance is quite attractive here – for every working citizen, there are 42.9 hours of working time per week. This figure is much lower than the world average.
However, life here is also more expensive than, for example, in Germany. 71 percent of respondents say they also have to spend much more than in their home country.
5. the United Arab Emirates, $ 3100

If you have a lot of oil and little technical know-how in the country, you will have to buy it from abroad, including in the form of labor. 72 percent of labor emigrants in the UAE claim to earn more than in their home country. 16 percent even report family income in excess of $ 150,000 a year.
However, life is very expensive here. 67 percent say that rents in this country are extremely high, 27 percent of those surveyed say that their salaries are barely enough for a more or less decent life.
4. Australia, $ 3300

Australia has the fourth-highest salary in the world. Who wouldn’t want to spend a season in Australia or perhaps stay here for permanent residence? This is one of the most comfortable countries in the world. Australia offers a unique lifestyle with one of the most enviable economies in the world.
In addition to the fact that the level of education in Australia is considered one of the highest in the world, specialists from other countries are in great demand in this country, especially if their profession concerns innovative technologies.
3. Kuwait, $ 3300

The fact that so many Gulf states figure on this list is, of course, related to the rich oil and gas reserves. This allows these countries to pay high salaries, which they also need to attract foreign specialists.
However, Kuwait is a special case of its high average wages due to the fact that large numbers of workers come here from poor countries in India and the Philippines. Overall, 62 percent of respondents say they earn less than $ 50,000 a year in Kuwait.
2. Luxembourg, $ 4800

In second place on this list is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg . Many major insurers reside in the richest country in the European Union and one of the richest in the world.
Not surprisingly, wages in Luxembourg are very high, with 76 percent of labor migrants claiming that they earn much more here than in their home country.
Luxembourg is one of the so-called dwarf countries in Europe, and the rent is therefore very high here. But thanks to the Schengen agreements, many Europeans living near Luxembourg can live near the border and travel there every day to work.
1. Switzerland, 5400 $

The Swiss really by far the highest average salaries in the world, however, and the cost of living is quite high.
It is a country with one of the most stable economies in the world and is also home to huge fortunes, world institutions and organizations such as the International Red Cross, CERN, the World Economic Forum or FIFA.
More than 50 percent of labor emigrants report household incomes in excess of $ 100,000 a year, 14 percent – even more than $ 200,000.
Many of those who came to Switzerland to work under an employment contract, after a certain time decided to settle in this country and transfer their family here. However, obtaining citizenship in Switzerland is a rather troublesome business and can take (with a fortunate coincidence) several years.