10 Ways to help the environment by changing your habits a little 🔥

🔥 TOP-10

Everyone can improve the environment on the planet, but not everyone can easily get rid of their habits. To protect the environment, you don’t need to make great efforts, you just need to overcome the habits that harm our home planet and its inhabitants.

They say that nothing will change from the actions of one person, but if you set a good example, and they start repeating after you, then you will do a good deed!

Create your ideology and you will find support. When a person does something with confidence, understanding and knows why he is doing it, he has followers.

10. Reduce your electricity consumption

In all rooms, it is advisable to change the light bulbs to energy saving ones – this is the first thing you should do. They shine brighter and work longer than usual. If you are not in the room, turn off the light.

You can save some electricity by unplugging the equipment you are using, such as a computer. If you turn it off, but the cord remains in the outlet, electrical appliances continue to consume energy.

9. Reduce your water and gas consumption

It’s easy to do, you just don’t notice how useless water is wasting. For some, it flows out of the tap unnecessarily – simply because they forgot to turn it off or went to do some business.

We all use the bathroom, but some people prefer to wash for a long time unnecessarily – if you change your habit of washing in the bathtub to washing in the shower, then two things happen at the same time – your time is saved and so much water is not consumed.

When it is cold in the apartment in winter, cover the wall space behind the battery with 3 layers of foil. This will reflect the heat in the room and the amount of heating energy will be reduced.

8. Give up household plastic

Plastic is as much an enemy as plastic bags. Plastic has a much worse effect on the environment – the accumulated plastics in the environment adversely affect wildlife, animal habitats, as well as people.

Plastic pollution negatively affects the earth’s surface and oceans. Try to avoid plastic as much as possible, use other materials instead.

If you do not have the opportunity to refuse plastic, then choose a container marked (PP) – polypropylene.

7. Move without cars

Cars have flooded everything … and they have a negative impact on the environment – internal combustion engines burn a huge amount of petroleum products of varying degrees of purification, this damages the atmosphere.

There are a lot of cars in large cities – the air in them is depleted in oxygen and polluted by oil combustion products. Polluted air is harmful to human health – from this air harmful products get into the water we drink.

There are places on our planet in which the car is prohibited – Venice, Makino, Vauban, Suede, Monte Isola – the inhabitants are lucky!

6. Use natural products instead of chemicals

In household chemicals, it is very easy to replace the products with natural ones – for example, dishes can be cleaned to shine with soda or lemon juice, it is not necessary to buy dish detergent.

There are hundreds of organic recipes on the internet! And they are all effective. Instead of an air freshener, you can use essential oil – a couple of drops will be enough to plant a pleasant smell in the room. Oil can be added to a rag while mopping or wiping tables, cabinets, etc.

5. Don’t buy felled Christmas trees

Many people are reluctant to refuse to buy live spruce, but pines are forest orderlies and emit phytoncides. These are substances that, when released into the air, kill pathogenic bacteria.

Imagine how many people want to put a fir tree in their house, and how many trees have been cut down. How much forest is destroyed, and the air becomes impoverished in useful substances.

You can cope with a selfish desire to show off an elegant Christmas tree by replacing it with an artificial spruce or a coniferous twig – people do not understand that they harm not only nature, but also themselves.

4. Discard plastic bags

All of us are familiar with the phrase: “Do you need a bag?” A person who cared about the environment replies: “No, thanks”, putting the purchases in one package, with which he has been going for several months or even years.

If you buy a cloth bag, then it will last a long time and there will be no problems with its disposal.

The fact is that polyethylene does not decompose well and when it is sent to the trash can, most likely, it ends up in a state landfill, where garbage can lie for years, and no one is in a hurry to get rid of it.

3. Don’t throw your trash on the street.

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