Many people are reluctant to introduce innovations into their lives, because something new is always associated with the unknown, and the unknown is scary.
For this reason, progressive inventions for their time were criticized and rejected by the people. The townsfolk shouted out loud that the new thing was useless, scientists argued that the invention would not be useful.
We have compiled a list of 10 things that everyone predicted failure, but which, contrary to public opinion, forever changed our lives for the better. Moreover, the modern world can no longer be imagined without its existence.
10. iPad

They said about the iPad that it will not be able to interest the mass buyer. Everyone expected Apple’s new product to fail, but what can we see now?
One has only to look at the photos of the kilometer-long queues for a brand new Apple tablet to make sure that the people predicting the failure of the iPad were absolutely wrong.
Precisely because the iPad in the modern world was accepted with a bang, other companies began to create tablets under their own name. Now every working person has a tablet in use, because they purchase this device with the same frequency as the usual smartphones.
9. Mobile phone

Mobile phones were also prophesied to be a useless invention. They said that a portable mobile phone would never replace a landline phone, because they would not be available to people because of their high price.
The prophecy, as you know, did not come true. Absolutely every person now has a mobile phone, because gadgets have not only shrunk in size, but their prices have become more affordable.
8. Personal computer

In the late 1940s, it was announced to the world that inventions in the field of computer technology had reached their peak. However, the development continued, the number of computer companies became more and more, the size of the equipment was getting smaller, the price position was getting lower.
Then in the 70s, Ken Olsen – the head of one of the computer companies – announced the news about the creation of a laptop that such a gadget would not take root among the people.
It is good that no one listened to Ken Olsen, because soon laptop computers began to displace even stationary computers from the market. And now it is generally impossible to imagine a modern person without a personal laptop.
7. Lamborghini

Did you know that Lamborghini was the owner of a tractor factory and produced the appropriate equipment? That all changed when he bought a Ferrari and found clutch problems in the car.
Erzo Ferrari refused to recognize the marriage in his own product, and therefore he did not agree to pay for repairs or change the car. Erzo was also sure that Lamborghini could not find a breakdown in a sports car, because all his life he was engaged exclusively in the production of tractor equipment.
Lamborghini not only fixed the defect in Ferrari, but also designed his own sports car, which remains relevant to this day.
6. Spaceship

No one saw the future in space exploration among ordinary people. And it was simply impossible to believe that someday a rocket would cross the limits of the earth’s atmosphere.
Doubts were destroyed by Yuri Gagarin, who said his famous “Let’s go!” and completing a revolution around the globe. After that, the goal appeared to study the moon and land on it. But even this task seemed impossible, even in spite of the success of the Soviet cosmonaut. However, we already know that they landed on the moon, the first person to set foot on its surface is astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Modern powers are struggling to be the first to land on the surface of Mars. Needless to say, there are people who consider this operation impossible?
5. Television

Not only ordinary people did not believe in the commercial success of television, but also famous inventors, for example, Lee De Forest.
It was believed that the viewer would not be interested in the planned programs and that no one would be able to sit still for about an hour, sticking to one point.
In response to these doubts, television won the attention of people for many decades, until the Internet came to replace modern TV.
4. Vaccines

Many young mothers have a question whether it is worth vaccinating their children against the next infection. The question can be attributed to the category of philosophical, there is no correct answer to it, and everyone makes a decision for himself.
However, it is impossible to deny the fact that vaccines have saved modern society from a number of the most terrible diseases. There are no general deaths from plague, smallpox or leprosy.
Vaccines help, although the success of their effect is still considered by some to be questionable.
3. Light bulb

In our reality, we automatically illuminate the space with the help of bulbs. It does not matter from which corner of the room the light is shining, perhaps it is even a street lamp, it is important that no one believed in favor of electric lighting before.
Gas lighting was used by people until the end of 1870, and after Yablochkov invented an electric candle, Yust and Hanaman patented a tungsten filament, and Lodygin gave the light bulb a modern look, and we got electric lighting.
Although the whole world believes that the creator of the incandescent lamp is Thomas Addison, it is simply impossible to belittle the merits of all the people listed above.
2. Alternating current

They did not believe in the benefit and importance of alternating current so much that even Thomas Edison himself stated that he himself would never use alternating current. It is good that Nikola Tesla strongly disagreed with him.
Now, thanks to alternating electric current, power grids are working. This type of current is the basis for the operation of many electrical devices familiar to us.
It has long been proven by scientists that alternating current transmission is less dangerous due to its low power and inconsistent movement.
1. Train

Probably every civilized person at least once in his life moved by train. At least until the invention of airplanes and the debunking of fears around this air vehicle, people traveled long distances exclusively by train.
But it was not always so. The launch of the first steam locomotive was negatively perceived by everyone. The townsfolk, of course, considered the idea of fast travel on massive vehicles impracticable.
The clergy believed that steam from a steam locomotive’s chimney was nothing more than steam from devil’s boilers. And the doctors loudly stated that moving a person at a speed above 40 km / h is harmful to health and can be a threat to life.