If you don’t know how to buy on aliexpress, then this step-by-step instruction is for you!
Aliexpress is a Chinese e-commerce platform where Internet users can purchase products of various categories from different sellers and stores. How to buy on Aliexpress without making common mistakes, you will learn from our step-by-step guide. Before placing an order for Aliexpress, a potential buyer will have to go through a mandatory registration procedure.
To register, you need to follow the link . The English-language version of the site will open at this address. On the main screen there is a field for entering or registering.

After clicking on the “Register” button, the user will be able to see the access options, among which he will be able to choose the most convenient for himself. It:
- Registration by phone number;
- Registration via email;
- Quick access through social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), Google or Pinterest account.

After entering the phone number, the subscriber will receive an SMS with a confirmation code to create an account on Aliexpress. When accessing via social networks, the registration procedure is as simple as possible and is carried out in a few seconds.
When registering via e-mail, you need to enter an email address, which will later become a login to enter Ali’s website, and come up with a password consisting of numbers and Latin letters.
Adding an address
Further, before placing an order on Aliexpress, you need to add the delivery address of the parcel. To do this, open My AliExpress, in the sections on the left, select the item “Delivery addresses” and fill in the free fields in English. The form includes information such as:
- country of delivery;
- street name, house and apartment number;
- region of the country – region, territory, district;
- town;
- postal code of the post office where the package will be delivered;
- phone number.
Filling in all lines is mandatory, otherwise the address will not be saved in the system.
After the delivery address (or addresses) have been added, let’s proceed to solving the main question – how to buy on Aliexpress step by step instructions.
Product search
Searching for an item on Aliexpress is as simple as possible. To do this, you can use the search bar, which is located on the main page of the site, or search for products by category. Both options are convenient and have their advantages.
The search bar is suitable for those who are looking for something specific, for example, a specific mobile phone model. A search by category will allow the buyer to view all similar products within the specified parameters.
Language selection
It is possible to change the language to another on any page of the site. This is done very simply. On the top taskbar, click on the flag icon and set the language we need. Currently, the site contains 12 languages.

Setting parameters
Let’s consider how to set certain parameters for a faster search using a specific example.
For example, you’re looking for a case for the Samsung Galaxy A10. At a given request, the system offers more than 254 thousand items. Additional filters located under the search bar will help to reduce the number of offers. With their help, it is possible to regulate the price range of the desired purchase, the country of dispatch, choose free shipping and return, use special coupons, etc. You can also sort products according to such criteria as:

- the best choice;
- by orders;
- new items;
- at an increasing price.
Other parameters can be specified in the column on the left. For example, design, color, shockproof.
Search for duplicate products
Find and compare similar products using the “Similar Products” option. To do this, you need to go to the section of your profile My AliExpress and select the subsection “Recently viewed”. In the window that opens, we will see the last viewed products. By clicking on the button “Find similar products” the site will offer other options. Also, this option is present in the “My wishes” section.
Seller choice
The customer should ensure that the seller is honest and experienced before making a purchase. This is influenced by several factors.
- The number of transactions he made.
- You can also set a filter for the number of transactions at the search stage, then the program will display the most popular and demanded product.
- Customer reviews and star rating of the product.
The higher all the listed indicators, the more reliable the seller.
Size selection
There is always a certain amount of risk in buying clothes over the Internet, since the sizes of clothes often do not coincide with the real sizes of the buyer. Therefore, in the “Clothes” section on Aliexpress there is a specially designed size table. By opening it, the buyer will be able to compare the volumes set for specific sizes by the manufacturer and their own.

We have considered all the subtleties that you need to know when registering and searching for a product, and came to the most important thing – how to buy on Aliexpress. There are two options here.

- Checkout immediately on the product page.
- Add a product to your cart and buy it later.
In both the first and second cases, before clicking the “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” buttons, you must select additional options. In this case, it is the dress color and size.
Choosing a payment method
There is a fairly large selection of payment options on Aliexpress:
- by bank card;
- through electronic wallets Yandex.Money, QIWI, WebMoney;
- via mobile payment;
- in cash;
- by wire transfer (when buying from $ 20).
Thus, each customer can choose the most convenient payment method for the purchase. After entering the data of your card or e-wallet, the system will remember them, and in the future the payment will be faster and easier.
Delivery and collection
So, we figured out how to place an order for Aliexpress. The only thing left is to wait for the package and receive it. Here, the buyer can also choose between two options.
- Home delivery. Then the package will be delivered to the client’s door.
- Pickup. In this case, you will need to pick up the parcel yourself at the Russian Post office, the index of which was indicated in the delivery address.
In our article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of users “how to buy on Aliexpress”. Knowing all the subtleties and nuances of the registration procedure, ordering and delivery, the process of choosing a product and shopping becomes the simplest and most enjoyable for customers. Write in the comments if you are buying on aliexpress, also if you can’t do something, write in the comments we will help you as much as we can.